The image below provides a glimpse of the current state of the moon as it graces the sky on the 08th September 2024


Understanding the phases of the moon adds to our celestial appreciation, aiding in various cultural, religious, and scientific endeavors. The moon's waxing and waning shapes, depicted in the image, result from its position relative to the Earth and the Sun, presenting a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates observers worldwide.

For astronomical observation, it's important to note that if you're interested in observing deep-sky objects, it's best to plan observations around the time of the new moon when the sky is darkest. Conversely, for observing the surface features of the moon itself, any time except during the full moon or new moon is preferable due to the intense brightness obscuring detail.

It's fascinating to note that the lunar cycle, from one new moon to the next, spans approximately 29.53 days. This cycle, known as the synodic month, encompasses the various phases of the moon, from new moon to full moon and back again, offering a rhythmic cadence to the night sky's beauty.

Your device and/or browser does not support some features, and therefore the true representation of the current phase of the Moon can't be displayed.

Below, you'll find information about the next lunar cycle, detailing the phases of the moon over the upcoming month.

Phase Date
New Moon 03rd October 2024
First Quarter 11th September 2024
Full Moon 18th September 2024
Last Quarter 25th September 2024

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